Always follow the direction of your local emergency response agencies. Leaks from pipelines are rare, but you should know what to do in the unlikely event one occurs.
When managing an emergency, protecting lives and the environment requires a concerted team effort. Pipeline companies strive to build partnerships with emergency responders and public officials in order to share resources, establish important lines of communication and provide education needed to safely respond to a pipeline related emergency.
When a pipeline release is detected, the response chain is initiated by a call to 9-1-1. Pipeline operators, first responders, government authorities, and cleanup resources all spring into action upon notification of an emergency. Evacuation plans are municipality-specific, meaning that they are developed and coordinated by the appropriate local emergency response department.
Natural gas is transported in its gaseous form by pipeline from wells and processing facilities to distribution centers (or distribution pipeline systems). Natural gas is odorless, colorless, tasteless and nontoxic in its natural state. When transported via transmission pipelines, natural gas typically does not have odorant added. An odorant is added when it is delivered to a distribution system.
Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are liquids separated from natural gas and include propane, butane and ethane. These products are commonly used for cooking and heating, and are the building blocks for manufacturing thousands of products we use every day. They are easily liquefied under pressure and normally will not have odorant added when transported via transmission pipelines.
Petroleum liquids is a broad term covering many products, including: crude oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, fuel oil, and other refined products. Odorant is not added to these products because they have a natural odor.
Even seemingly minor damage, such as a dent or chipped pipeline coating, could result in a future leak if not promptly repaired. If you should happen to strike the pipeline while working in the area, it is important that you phone the control center immediately.